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Blog #9: BBG 9

This chapter really made me understand how important it truly is to revise a paper and an effective way to do so. I had recently been writing my paper for Project 2 in ENC 2135 where I had to basically revise my entire paper. After doing so, I realized how much sense my paper made than the one before it. I basically rewrote 2000 words, but with the time and patience I had, I made it a great paper. There are so many techniques to revising a paper and BBG 9 really talks about a few ways this is possible. Peer Review is a great step to revising as you get feedback from students in your class which is something we always do. Also, going back and reading the first draft is much different than reading it as you're originally writing it. After my conference for Project 2, I read my paper back to myself and WOW, what a different paper it truly was. So, revising is definitely something every student should take very seriously as it does impact a paper greatly and the grade one will ulitmately receive.


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