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Throughout this semester, each project that I have accomplished has effected me in a personal way. Project One, being a completely personal narrative allowed me to write down the truth about my experiences. I wrote about my dance experience and a true text that helped me throughout the course of becoming a dance teacher. Being able to write about this, and having Project One be my first essay due in class made me feel really comfortable right away. Learning about texts in this project helped me successfully write about my text in Project Two. Project Two was definitely more difficult as I had to now research what I would be writing about. Although this was a research project, it was enjoyable to be able to write about a community I was fond of and wanted to become a part of. Best Buddies is a community that I will definitely be part of next semester and without this project, I would not have understood how much joining this organization would mean to me. Lastly, Project Three—I was able to incorporate my research and community used in Project Two into my last project. I was able to be creative my developing three strategic genres to promote my community: Best Buddies. With every student in the class being able to pic which genres they would use, it was intriguing to watch each presentation because every single project was completely different from the next. ENC 2135 exposed me to information and learning about genres, and how to incorporate them and my text together. I never learned this in any other english class before, and this class touched upon my creative side. I was able to write about MY experiences and what I was interested in. I felt overall that this class was all about taking risks to really express who we are as people, and that research is not the only important factor when it comes to writing an essay. 

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