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Blog #5: Chapter 5, "Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal"

I never came to terms on how meaningful it would be to write about a topic chosen by me, myself, and I. In high school, I would most likely write about a book I was assigned to read and not really about any topic at all. I, along with my fellow peers in high school would all write about the same thing, probably bring up many of the same points, and even have the same citations. My high school writing mind was very closed and up until I started college, I never knew my writing abilities. It's a sort of exploration to see how creative a college student's mind can be with writing about a topic that the either understand or had to research. Either way, writing a topic that is able to be chosen by the student gives us just a bit of freedom not to just write about our perspective, but about any research found about the topic if the student can cite it. The student should enjoy the topic they are writing about and it will show when the final paper is turned in an graded.


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